Wedding Fortune Cookies: Themed Messages

We have wedding fortune cookies with traditional fortunes, wedding icebreakers and even children's jokes for your younger guests. Here are some examples of the messages included in the different themes.

There is also the option to print your own message on the backs of the slips. We can also produce wedding fortune cookies which are totally personalised to you - with your own messages on both sides of the slips and even wrappers printed with your names and date. 

wedding fortune cookies with traditional fortunes

wedding fortune cookies with traditional fortunes

Wedding Fortune Cookies with Traditional Fortunes

Our traditional fortune cookies contain a large selection of messages inside each box.
Here are just a few examples ...

A stranger will cross your path who later becomes your friend

An old acquaintance will re-enter your life

A chance happening will reveal your destiny

A wise person will give you timely advice

Recognition will come from unexpected sources

Love will be found from a past meeting

Kind words may mean more than they seem

A new friendship will bring unexpected joy

wedding icebreaker fortune cookies

wedding icebreaker fortune cookies

Wedding Icebreaker Fortune Cookies

There are over 30 different messages contained in our range of Wedding Icebreaker fortune cookies.
Here are just a few examples ...

Reveal something which people may be surprised to know about the wedding couple

Take a selfie of the whole table

Take a photo of the oldest and youngest guests at your table

Tell two truths about the couple and one lie and see who can guess the lie

children's joke fortune cookies

children's joke fortune cookies

Children's Joke Fortune Cookies

Our childrens' fortune cookies contain classic one liner jokes. Here are some examples ...

What do you get if you cross a flea with a rabbit?
Bugs Bunny

What do you call a teacher floating in the sea?

What dinosaur lives on the sea bed?
Tyrannosaurus Wreck

How do fleas travel from place to place?
By itch hiking

How do you get a dinosaur into a matchbox?
Take out the matches first